Articles et communications scientifiques
Publications avec comité de relecture
Sébastien VERNE & Frédéric GRANDJEAN, in prep. for Evolution. All Wolbachia symbiotic females are not sexy… impact of
Wolbachia on multiple paternity in Armadillidium vulgare
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN, submitted to Journal of Evolutionnary Biology.
Effects of parasitic sex-ratio
distorters on host genetic structure in the Armadillidium vulgare-Wolbachia association.
Sébastien VERNE, Barry Jaquish, Rick White, Carol Ritland & Kermit Ritland, in press.
Transcriptome analysis of constitutive resistance to
white pine weevil in Interior spruce. Genome Biology and Evolution
Mauricio P. ALMERAO, Nelson J.R. FAGUNDES, Aldo M. ARAUJO, Paula B. ARAUJO, Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Sébastien VERNE & Didier BOUCHON,
submitted to Current Microbiology. The first record of Wolbachia in South American terrestrial Isopods: High diversity of Wolbachia
strains in two species of the genus Balloniscus(Crustacea: Oniscidea).
Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Sébastien VERNE, Corinne CHERBONNEL & Arnaud RICHARD, 2008 - Fine-scale genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (
Salmo salar) using
microsatellite markers: effects of restocking and natural recolonization. Freshwater Biology 54(2): 417-433
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN, 2007 - Evidence for recombination between feminizing Wolbachia
in the isopod genus
Armadillidium. Gene 397(1-2):58-66
Sébastien VERNE, Jérôme MOREAU, Yves CAUBET, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN, 2007 - Male mating success between two parturial
moult in the terrestrial
isopod Armadillidium vulgare revealed by the use of microsatellite loci. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(2): 217-219
Sébastien VERNE, Nicolas PUILLANDRE, Géraldine BRUNET, Nicolas GOUIN, Paul B. SAMOLLOW, Joel D. ANDERSON, Frédéric GRANDJEAN, 2006 -
Characterization of
polymorphic microsatellite loci in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare. Molecular Ecology Notes 6(2):328-330
Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Nicolas GOUIN, Sébastien VERNE, Carine DELAUNAY, Sylvie PATRI, 2005 - Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite
loci in the
terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus. Molecular Ecology Notes 5(3):507-509
Communications orales
'TREENOMIX / ARBOREA Joint Workshop' ; June 28st 2009, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
A study of constitutive resistance to white pine weevil in interior spruce
'"Fun"duh-mentals of Genomics workshop' ; June 1-5th 2009 ; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Provenance experiment : a case study of constitutive resistance to white pine weevil in interior spruce
Sébastien VERNE
'Petit Pois Déridé 2007', 29e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 27th-30th 2007
Quand les facteurs féminisants brouillent les pistes...
Sébastien VERNE, Yves CAUBET, Monique JOHNSON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'7th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods' ; March 28-31st 2007, Tunis, Tunisia
The costs and advantages of a Wolbachia-woodlice infection. A classical example of parasite trade-off
Monique JOHNSON, Sébastien VERNE, Karima BOUAZIZ & Didier BOUCHON
'Petit Pois Déridé 2006', 28e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 28th - September 1st 2006
Wolbachia féminisantes et recombinaison chez les isopodes terrestres du genre Armadillidium
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'4th Wolbachia Conference' ; June 24-26th 2006 ; Puerto Rico
Genetic structuration of Armadillidium vulgare and its reproductive parasite Wolbachia
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Réunion du Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables (REID)', January 9-11th 2006, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Structuration génétique des populations d'Armadillidium vulgare et de son parasite de la reproduction Wolbachia à une échelle régionale: Etude du transect Chizé/Ensoulesse
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Petit Pois Déridé 2005', 27e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 29th- September 2nd. 2005, Bordeaux, France
Structuration génétique d'une métapopulation d'Armadillidium vulgare infectée par deux lignées Wolbachia
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Yves CAUBET, Roland RAIMOND, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Réunion du Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables (REID)', January 18-19th 2005, University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Structuration génétique à petite échelle d'Armadillidium vulgare et de son parasite de la reproduction Wolbachia sp.
Sébastien VERNE & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Petit Pois Déridé 2004', 26e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 24-27th 2004, Paris, France
Structuration génétique d'Armadillidium vulgare dans une métapopulation hébergeant Wolbachia
Sébastien VERNE, Nicolas PUILLANDRE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'6th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods'; July 12-15th 2004 ; Aveiro, Portugal
Use of microsatellites : an indirect approach to estimate the gene flow among populations in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare
Sébastien VERNE, Nicolas PUILLANDRE, Géraldine BRUNET & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
Communications affichées
'13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology' ; August 20-25th 2011, Tübingen, Germany
A large scale gene expression scan in white spruce reveals differentially expressed genes in trees resistant to the white pine weevil
Sébastien VERNE, Rick WHITE, Barry JAQUISH, Carol Ritland and Kermit RITLAND
'8th International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology'; June 19-23th 2011, Bled, Slovenia
Wolbachia symbiotic females are not that sexy… impact of Wolbachia on multiple paternity in Armadillidium vulgare
Sébastien VERNE & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Evolution 2010 Conference'; June 25-29th 2010 ; Portland, USA
sHSP and constitutive resistance to white pine weevil in interior spruce
Sébastien VERNE, Rick WHITE, Barry JAQUISH, Carol RITLAND and Kermit RITLAND
'9th International Plant Molecular Biology Congress'; October 25-30th t 2009, Saint Louis, MO, USA
A study of constitutive resistance to white pine weevil in interior spruce
'12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology'; August 24-29th 2009, Turin, Italy
Consequences of feminizing cytoplasmic factors on host genetic structure: the case of Armadillidium vulgare and Wolbachia
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
'Petit Pois Déridé 2007', 29e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 27th-30th 2007
• Résultats préliminaires de la structuration génétique de deux espèces proches (Balloniscus sellowii, B. glaber) dans la pleine côtière du sud du Brésil
Mauricio ALMERÃO, Sébastien VERNE, Yves CAUBET, Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Paula Beatriz de ARAUJO & Aldo Mellender de ARAUJO
• Température et inefficacité de la féminisation par Wolbachia chez Armadillidium vulgare
Karima BOUAZIZ, Sébastien VERNE, Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Didier BOUCHON & Monique JOHNSON
• Genetic structure of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Normandy (France) inferred by the use of microsatellite markers: positive or negative impact of human management
Frédéric GRANDJEAN, Sébastien VERNE, Didier BOUCHON, Corinne CHARBONNEL & Arnaud RICHARD
'Petit Pois Déridé 2005', 27e Réunion du Groupe de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, August 28th-September 1st 2006
Wolbachia féminisantes et recombinaison chez les isopodes terrestres du genre Armadillidium
Sébastien VERNE, Monique JOHNSON, Didier BOUCHON & Frédéric GRANDJEAN
Conférences Jacques Monod "Réponses biologiques aux dommages de l'ADN" ; October 2-6th 2004 ; Roscoff, France
Comparative analysis of two feminizers in a single host : a tale of two Wolbachia
Didier BOUCHON, Monique JOHNSON, Yves CAUBET, Sébastien VERNE & Frédéric GRANDJEAN